Avista provide Residential and Day Services to people with an Intellectual Disability. We are looking for candidates who are committed to supporting people with disabilities and their families, in a person centered, community based, socially inclusive manner in accordance with our core values and ethos and underpinned by quality, best practice and research.
Applications are invited for the following positions;
ST. Louise’s Centre, GlenmaroonCare Staff
Full Time 39hpw
Part Time 19.5hpw
Salary Scale: €30,005 - €43,159* (*LSI)
(Salary subject to Relevant Public Sector Experience and pro rated in line with hours worked)
Essential Minimum Qualification(s):
- Minimum of fully Completed FETAC Level 5 in Healthcare Support or equivalent - Essential
Essential Knowledge and Experience:
- Previous experience working within the Intellectual Disability area desirable
- Excellent communication, interpersonal and organisational skills
- Ability to effectively manage their time; work on their own initiative and as part of a team.
- Be committed to promoting the active engagement and participation of Service Users in their
local communities
- Be person centred in approach to enabling Service Users to maximise their independence and develop
meaningful roles in society
- Ability to be flexible and creative
- Applicants should possess Level 1 Behavioural Competencies of Avista Competency Framework
‘A panel may be formed from which future Care Staff vacancies may be filled’
Jennifer Mulcahy, Service Manager, Tel: 018999104/087-9640848
Applications can be made to: https://avista.rezoomo.com/
Closing date for receipt of applications: 13th July 2023
Avista is an equal opportunities employer.